Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Interested in Learnscope?

I myself saw the advantages of using online video yesterday morning. With my CSWE3 class on Monday mornings I am teaching “instructions” in general and LOs 3B1 and 3D1 in particular. The theme of the next few weeks is “recipes” and after racking my brain for a few hours to find a new way of introducing the theme that will inspire me as well, ten mins before the lesson, I remembered that I am meant to be doing this Learnscope project on online video and why not use that. No time of course to film Barbara or Barnaby making bigos (the project will include making and editing your own videos) but time enough to search YouTube for an easy recipe. On the second page, I found “Carrot Cake” with sub-titled ingredients and lots of repetition of “add”, “mix”, “beat”, etc. With the class starting off in the Lab, the students were able to view the 6-minute video at their own pace before we went through it together.
Now, there are plenty more uses for video than this in your classrooms, so if you are interested in participating in this year’s Learnscope project please contact me by the end of the week.

STOP PRESS: Coincidentally, I hear that Anna is doing video recipes in the Lab with the "Entree to work" course and is using a video site specifically on instructions. Have a look at www.videojug.com .

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